US x UK Sample Pack

  • €36,95
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Played by Payden (US) and processed by Jonny (UK), the US x UK drum sample pack is perfect for musicians and producers alike.

In this pack we put our post revolutionary war differences aside and teamed up to bring you this professional and authentic sounding drum library. We took Payden's warm, vintage inspired drums and combined them with Jonny's explosive, modern mixing style to deliver something that is sure to make your productions and mixes stand out.

This pack has a wide voice range - from soft, subtle, smooth hits to loud, aggressive, hard hits ideally suited to Rock, Worship and Pop music.

To seal the deal on our newly found establishment we blended a variety of close mics and room mics to include our Peace Treaty version as well. 

You don't want to miss out on this historic union!


The US x UK pack includes: 

210 - One Shots

136 - Loops

22 - builds.

Kicks : US,UK, and Peace Treaty

Snares : Aluminum + Mahogany ( A & B ) - US,UK, and Peace Treaty

Toms : 12",13", and 16" - US,UK, and Peace Treaty


Presets Available: 

Logic, Ableton, Battery, Trigger 2


File size - 930.2 MB

File types available :

 - 48 kHz 24bit  .wav

 - 44.1 kHz 16bit .wav ( SPD-SX files )